Monday, August 17, 2009

Log in and Listen!

In case you missed it - click here to listen to Harold Naylor, co-founder of DiscoverChristianSchools, interviewed on the The Christian Worldview Radio program.

The Christian Worldview Radio program featured an interview with Harold Naylor, co-founder of

Guest: Harold Naylor, co-founder, Discover Christian Schools

If God has given you children, you're sure to be confronted with the question of how and where to educate them. Should you pay to send them to a private Christian school where a biblical worldview will be woven into coursework by Christian teachers?

Should you send them to a state school down the street for "free" (i.e. paid for by your taxes) where their peers and teachers will most likely not have a like-minded Christian worldview? Or should you home school or send them to a private non-sectarian school?

It's a difficult choice that every parent or guardian faces. Issues of finances, peer-influence, academics, apathy, socialization, and proximity all frame the decision-making process.

Discover Christian Schools is a dynamic website and non-profit organization that helps parents find answers to difficult questions about educating their children and a school that meets their needs.

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