Monday, June 8, 2009


Christian Education Commentary

Quality. We pay extra for it. In fact, describing a product as having superior quality over another product is quite often all that is needed to close the deal.

And yet, how many of us who call ourselves Christian have ever evaluated the depth and commitment of our Christian walk with the same intensity that we give to the purchase of a new vehicle? Or even a new pair of shoes?

As followers of Christ, there should be a quality to our lives that helps us stand apart from our unsaved friends and neighbors. Not because we are better, but because the presence of God within our lives sets us apart. Choosing a Christian school for your child can give them an edge on discovering what it means to increase the quality of their walk with God. - Where Christian Education is priceless!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't think of what I do as a Christian educator as delivering a product. What I do is deliver a service to partner with parents in developing a child's faith walk.
What Christian schools do is help to instill and preserve the faith. Our children are surrounded by other Christians and they learn to surround themselves with Christians. It is from the groupd that our children surround themselves that they will one day choose a marital partner.