Monday, April 27, 2009

Obtaining Wisdom

Today's Christian Education Commentary

Proverbs 9:10 says, “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”

I don’t know a single Christian parent today who does not want their child to obtain wisdom.

Usually, we rely on youth pastors, church events, and maybe the influence of a few Christian music artists to help our kids learn about God. But, when we stop to think about it, we know this is not all of the training they require – the challenges are too great.

The Bible is clear that the fear and knowledge of God are the keys to obtaining wisdom in this life. As parents, it is our responsibility to make sure our children are exposed early and often to truths about God, His nature, His love, His holiness, and His plan for our lives. A great way to start your child early on his or her path to wisdom is to get enrolled in your local Christian school.

We can help you find a Christian school and fulfill the directive we have been assigned as Christian parents. - Where Christian education is priceless!

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