submitted by Bill Stevens, Headmaster ~ Wilmington Christian School (DE)
Jesus' Greatest Commandment
Dr. David Dockery, in his book, Renewing Minds: Serving Church and Society, writes about the Great Commandment of Christ . . .
“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “Love the Lord God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.” ~Matthew 22:36-37
Dockery states that this is the starting point of our thinking about the integration of faith and learning. He says that these words of Jesus serve as the framework for carrying out the distinctive mission of Christian education to this changing postmodern world. It’s learning to think Christianly, to think in Christian categories, and at the same time connectedly to a Christian focus . . . namely Christ.
“Learning to think Christianly impacts our homes, our businesses, our health care agencies, our schools, our social structures, our recreation, and, yes, our churches too. Applying this Great Commandment entails all that we know of ourselves being committed to all that we know of God” (pp. 11-12).
Education today has become academically specialized and thus, being and becoming more unwilling to form interrelatedness between the disciplines. This unwillingness to relate disciplines to one another has resulted in a fragmentation of knowledge. It has resulted in a false dichotomy between the life of the mind and the life of faith. This fragmentation should alarm all who are committed to Christian education, for it strikes at the heart of our purpose and mission.
But alarmed we are not. Lest we would be so angered at the present state of education as to make the leap and sacrifice what was needed (at home and in our churches) to make a biblical worldview paramount for ALL the children of this next generation. As George Barna so aptly illustrated, we have become like frogs in the kettle, instead of leaping out, we slowly “boil to death” as the temperature rises. It is time, as the apostle Paul (and the prophet Isaiah before him) stated in their day . . .
“Wake up, O sleeper
Rise from the dead,
And Christ will shine on you”
~Ephesians 5:14
Unfortunately, we have become complacent . . . at the very least, comfortable; accepting a postmodern, relativistic, God-neutral (at best) environment to educate kingdom kids. It’s not the money, for He owns it all and will honor those who honor Him (I Samuel 2:30). It’s not the “salt & light” rationale, for we are to be that wherever we are. It’s the philosophy, the mind-set, and the perspective under which we place our children for the foundation of their thinking, learning, and living.
As we see throughout this political campaign, and in the recent financial crisis, people are looking for a sound foundation. What do the candidates really stand for? What is there true worldview? What is at the heart of our economic structure? Will the financial foundation hold? Are power, greed and manipulation of people and their money the standard for our society? I can’t imagine you saying, “Yes”. So now take these same questions one-step further (or back) to the educational foundation of this next generation . . .
Let’s remember the question asked of Jesus, “What is the greatest commandment”? He answered it straight, that it was the first and greatest. And affirmed that it is a command, not just an option or nice idea. Our children need to learn to love God with their entire mind. That’s at the heart and soul of a Christian education! It’s our mandate and marching orders.
Thinking Out Loud,
~ Mr. Stevens
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