Thursday, December 31, 2009

Another Year is Dawning

Another year is dawning, dear Father, let it be
In working or in waiting, another year with Thee.
Another year of progress, another year of praise,

Another year of proving Thy presence all the days.

Another year of mercies, of faithfulness and grace,
Another year of gladness in the shining of Thy face;
Another year of leaning upon Thy loving breast;
Another year of trusting, of quiet, happy rest.

Another year of service, of witness for Thy love,
Another year of training for holier work above.
Another year is dawning, dear Father, let it be
On earth, or else in Heaven, another year for Thee.

Frances R. Havergal, 1874.
She wrote these words as a poem for her New Year’s greeting cards. The hymn was subsequently included in her Under the Surface, 1874, and Life Chords, 1880.

Friday, December 4, 2009

The New Gospel ~ A Call for Discernment

A note from co-founder Dr. Tim Sierer:
Satan is tricky!! He is looking for anyway to gain a foothold both in our schools, homes and churches. One of the ways he will strive to accomplish this is in the watering-down of the Holy Scriptures. It is our responsibility to remain diligent in guarding against becoming a victim of the 'slippery slope.' Take a few minutes to read this very pertinent blog by Kevin DeYoung.

The Intro:
Have you heard the New Gospel? It’s not been codified. It’s not owned by any one person or movement. But it is increasingly common.

The Conclusion:
This is no small issue. And it is not just a matter of emphasis. The New Gospel will not sustain the church. It cannot change the heart. And it does not save. It is crucial, therefore, that our evangelical schools, camps, conferences, publishing houses, and churches can discern the new gospel from the old.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Wagging the Dog

Challenging the Backward Thinking of Parental Surrender
By Jonathan Nazigian
The King's Christian School (Cherry Hill, NJ)

There is a reason we don’t let 12 year-olds vote.
There is a reason we don’t let 15 year-olds join the army.
There is a reason we don’t let 13 year-olds drive.

Children are an incredible blessing from God, and we love them, but let’s face it, they are not the pinnacle of sound judgment.Ask any parent who has seen that glazed, deer-in-the-headlights look staring back at them after they’ve asked, “What were you thinking?” and you’ll know. There is a reason God did not say, “Let the child train himself up in the way he thinks he should go…”

Why? Because God, who created and designed us, knows we come into the world under the curse of sin. We are born in ignorance with our hearts bent toward rebellion. We are not, because of our sin nature, naturally prone to seek out God’s best over our own selfish desires. Just like us, adolescents struggle with many things, but the difficulty of their struggle is compounded with a profound lack the maturity and an absence of real-world experience that helps put those struggles into a better perspective. A few things we know . . .

1. Adolescents have little idea who they are (their true identity).

2. Adolescents do not successfully delineate between what they want and what they truly need.

3. Adolescents have lots of energy but are flooded with hormones. Hormones do not make judgment clearer.

4. Adolescents often have dreams not based in reality.

5. Adolescents are perpetually ungrateful and think the grass is so much greener anywhere else but where they are at the time.

And yet, even knowing all of this, many Christian parents will take the one parental decision that will have the greatest bearing on their child’s future—the decision as to who, aside from them, will most shape the worldview of their impressionable, searching, and vulnerable children for 40+ hours every week—and hand that decision over to the child to make.

As someone who has been involved in Christian Education as a student, a teacher, and an administrator for 33 years I have seen what used to be a rare occurrence grow into an astounding trend. Christian parents who leave the ultimate decision for their child’s schooling in the hands of their child.

Some parents do this directly. “Johnny, where do you want to go to school next year?”

Others do it indirectly; they cave in to their child’s constant complaining often directed at “the school” when, ultimately, the school is not the real issue, just the easiest target.

Others, who want to move their children from the public school system into Christian school, take an approach that is sabotaged from the start, “Susie, let’s just try Christian school for a few months, and if you don’t like it, you can go back to public school.”

It seems the tail is wagging the dog.

Where are the Christian parents who will make a decision in the best interest of their children and then fight for it, despite the external pressures and internal doubts that inevitably come? Where are the Christian parents who will stand their ground and fight for their children’s best future, even if it means fighting with their children in the short term?

Where is the Christian parent who will sit down with their child, look them in the eye, and say,..

…To the child who’s being picked on…

“Susie, I love you. And I know you do not like school right now. I know your friends are being mean, but just changing schools will not resolve the real issue. Mean girls are everywhere and you will face unkind people throughout your life. The best place to learn how to deal with them is in a school where the Biblical truths of peacemaking and reconciliation are taught.”

…To the child who has dreams of playing sports at the local public school…

“Tommy, I love you. And I know you want to play football. But much more important in your life is your spiritual and academic future. I cannot sacrifice that for anything. I love you too much to put you under the influence of teachers, coaches, and friends who have other agendas and do not have your best interest in mind. We can explore township football, but when it comes to your schooling, Christian Education is a non-negotiable.”

…To the child doesn’t like the rules…

“Mary, I love you. And I know you would prefer to wear other clothes and that you don’t like some of the rules at school. But your true character and integrity aren’t revealed by how well you obey rules you like. True character is revealed by how you respond to authorities and rules you don’t like. No place is perfect, but your spiritual formation is not something I’m willing to sacrifice to a public school.”

…To the child whose friends are leaving for public school…

“Eddie. I love you. And I know several of your friends might be leaving for public school. But God does not hold me responsible for the choices other parents make. God holds me accountable for you. And I know that Christian school is the best thing for you. And I also know what real faith means. It means that despite how it feels right now, choosing to be obedient and to live God’s way will bring blessing, and that God probably has other and newer school friendships waiting for you.”

In the end, it all comes down to how we view what’s most important in the battle for the hearts and minds of our children.

Some parents view Christian Education like Karate classes or swim lessons—a nice little “extra” in their child’s life, so long as it is affordable and the child enjoys it. But if the finances get tough, or the child begins to complain, Christian school can be replaced with cheaper alternatives. Why pay so much for something my child doesn’t seem to like?

I choose to view Christian Education like food or immunizations. These are necessities to my family. I don’t care how much my children complain about having to eat balanced, healthy meals or the momentary prick of the doctor’s needle; my decision is firm, and it is for their best interest. And I will take a third job, do without vacation, or sell my furniture before I place my child in the furnace of an educational system centered on humanism, relativism, and cultural idolatry. You see, God did not call me to a life of comfort, free from struggle. God called me to train up my children in the most Biblical way possible and to give them every opportunity to turn their hearts toward Him.

I refuse to surrender in this war.

Jonathan Nazigian is Minister of Spiritual Life at The King’s Christian School in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. He is the undeserving husband to a beautiful wife and the proud father of three wonderful sons. He may be contacted at

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Another Year of Blogging

Welcome to another year of blogging with Our desire is to post articles and information that will be helpful to you. Please feel free to comment on our posts - we would love to have your feedback.

In addition, we would love to tell "your story" regarding Christian schooling in your life or in the lives of your children. We welcome your submissions. We would also welcome the submission of articles regarding Christian schooling. Please contact Nancy DeHaan ( ) if you have something that you would like to submit.

One last thing - please use the Update Subscription link at the bottom of the "New Post" email that you receive from FeedBlitz. This is the best way to keep your email up to date!

Thanks for blogging with us - and encourage your friends to subscribe!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Back to School

A note from co-founder, Dr. Timothy Sierer:

"We are about to embark on another year that is shaping up to be full of challenges in light of the current economic atmosphere in our country. Yet we are able to take heart because we know that we serve an awesome God who has not been caught off guard by current circumstances. I wanted to take this opportunity to share this article with you as a means of encouragement as we seek to train our students in a manner pleasing to the Lord. May God richly bless your efforts during the coming year."

Things are Different This Year
Bruce Etter

It's that time of year...the time of year when we all start to think of going back to school. Teachers are thinking of setting up classrooms, home-schooling families are planning their year, parents are buying supplies, and students, well, some are getting excited and others are desperately wishing for more time. This year is different, though. We are starting this year with a burden.

When the recession hit around October 2008 the school year had already begun. Most people could finish out the year without worrying about how it affected our children's education in the long term. Things have changed drastically for many people for this coming year. Schools have had to downsize or even close, families have had to begin home-schooling because they cannot afford tuition, mothers have had to go to work and cannot be as involved in their children's education. Things are different. Several men who are close to our family have lost their jobs.

How does this affect the education of our children? First, this does not change the calling God has given us to provide our children a Christian education. Second, as we observe the reaction of our government to the recession-a reaction that appears more and more socialist-it is more important than ever to educate our children in such a way that enables them to be the generation who can bring about godly change. Whether you are a teacher in a school or a home-schooling parent, never forget the importance of giving your children a distinctive Christian worldview.

When asked how he could afford to spend several hours a day in prayer, a wise theologian responded, "I cannot afford to NOT spend these hours in prayer." We can apply this well-known story to education. These times tempt us to conclude that we cannot afford a Christian education. The question we must entertain is, "Can we afford to NOT give our children a classical and Christian education?" The hard reality is we have to think about the future. Our nation is a mess, and if we are not producing committed, Christian-thinking students, where will we be in twenty years? Riddled with both fiscal and moral dilemmas, more than ever we need thinking minds which are submissive to the Word of God. Let me encourage you, regardless of your situation, to continue to find creative ways to inculcate your children with a thoroughly Christian mindset.

But, you might say, we are living in an economy that has taken its toll on many families. You can't get blood out of a turnip, as my father used to say. If there's no money, there's no money and a quality education is not cheap. Let me respond to this valid concern with a few thoughts. First, the truth is, we tend to find creative ways to get what we want. We spend money on the things we truly desire. When it comes to providing enriching and educational experiences for our children, we often conclude that something else less important has to go. It's simply a matter of weighing priorities and choosing to spend money on things that have eternal consequences as opposed to luxuries that we can do without.

Second, I know that many are blessed to have grandparents who are involved in the process. I have talked to homeschoolers who make a point of getting grandpa and grandma in on the teaching of their children. What a wonderful way to experience the multi-generational nature of education! But it doesn't have to stop there. I challenge grandparents to recognize the struggles that their children are having in this economy and step up to lend financial aid as they are able to do so. I cannot think of a better gift that a grandparent can give than to play a role in providing a Christian education for their grandchildren. Now would be a great time to commit to paying for a portion of your grandchildren's tuition and school uniforms or curriculum if they are homeschooled. All grandparents are not in a position to do so, but many are and should consider the value of assisting in this way.

Finally, education should not be viewed as something that takes place only in the 8:00-3:00 time slot, Monday through Friday. There are activities that we should be doing with our children that do not cost anything (or very little) that get to the heart of what it means to provide them with a Christian worldview. Are we having a regular time of family worship? Are we praying together as a family? When you see a TV commercial or any type of advertising do you use it as a teachable moment to challenge worldly, illogical thinking? When you are having family movie night do you discuss worldviews that fall short of being thoroughly Christian? When you observe ungodly behavior by others in public do you discuss what causes and perpetuates these kinds of actions? Are you taking opportunities daily to provide your children with a mindset that is distinctly Christian?

Remember the words of Deuteronomy 6:6-9: "And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates."

This economy has affected us all in one way or another. Whether it is our common plight of paying more for groceries or gas, a great loss in the stock market, or the loss of a job, you are in the minority if you are not affected by these stressful times. My prayer is that despite the tough circumstances God would allow us to see the fruit of our labors and sacrifices in the hearts and minds of the next generation.

Bruce Etter is the head administrator and teaches online with Veritas Press Scholars Academy. He lives in Lancaster, Pa., with his wife Julie and their five children.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Log in and Listen!

In case you missed it - click here to listen to Harold Naylor, co-founder of DiscoverChristianSchools, interviewed on the The Christian Worldview Radio program.

The Christian Worldview Radio program featured an interview with Harold Naylor, co-founder of

Guest: Harold Naylor, co-founder, Discover Christian Schools

If God has given you children, you're sure to be confronted with the question of how and where to educate them. Should you pay to send them to a private Christian school where a biblical worldview will be woven into coursework by Christian teachers?

Should you send them to a state school down the street for "free" (i.e. paid for by your taxes) where their peers and teachers will most likely not have a like-minded Christian worldview? Or should you home school or send them to a private non-sectarian school?

It's a difficult choice that every parent or guardian faces. Issues of finances, peer-influence, academics, apathy, socialization, and proximity all frame the decision-making process.

Discover Christian Schools is a dynamic website and non-profit organization that helps parents find answers to difficult questions about educating their children and a school that meets their needs.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Jesus - A Central Figure in Our Lives

Today’s Christian Education Commentary
with Harold Naylor

A Christian school is not a guarantee for well-behaved children. Nor does it necessarily solve all of the parenting challenges we face. What it can and does do, however, is welcome, and even invite, the presence of God into our lives and our children’s lives in greater ways.

Choosing a Christian school for your child doesn’t guarantee a “happy ending” to the problems you face. However, it can invite the presence of God into your life and your child’s life to a greater degree, and that is what ultimately changes lives.

As Christian parents, we should whole-heartedly pursue those options in our lives that invite God to become a central figure, rather than trying to keep Him on the outskirts of our lives.

To learn more about Christian schools and Christian schooling - and to find a local Christian school in your area - please visit

Monday, June 15, 2009

Service to Others

Today's Christian Education Commentary
with Harold Naylor

How can a Christian education promote service to others?

Our president, as well as other politicians, promote service to the larger community. It’s a good thing, of course, but often it is tied to some aid for college other remuneration. So, serving is really working for different kind of compensation.

The Bible, in Galatians for instance, teaches that we should do good to others because we will reap an ultimate harvest when we are called to heaven. This kind of giving is taught in Christian schools as students see that they are NOT the center of the universe; the Creator is. Our God allows us and our children to participate in His work of showing grace

That seems to me to be a better bargain than a college loan.

We can help you find a Christian school and fulfill the directive we have been assigned as Christian parents. - Where Christian education is priceless!

Friday, June 12, 2009

A Failure as a Father - Revisited

This article was originally posted in November 2008 as TV stations were beginning to do the "digital testing" to see if we were ready for the Digital Transition.

Well . . . that transition is now upon us - 12 noon on Friday, June 12. TV stations all over the country will be flipping the switch and the days of analog TV will be just a memory.

In honor of the transition, we have decided to repost the article written by Jonathan Nazigian. This thoughtful article reminds us of what is really important in the lives of our families and children - and it isn't Digital TV.

I am a failure. At least that is what my TV told me. The other night, during the evening news, several of the local TV stations conducted a digital signal test to show viewers if their television was ready for the upcoming switch from analog to digital broadcasting. As my wife and I sat with our two boys, we had fun counting down the seconds until the test would begin (the outcome already known to my wife and I since the TV we were given 9 years ago was definitely not digital-ready). And, lo and behold, when the clock struck zero, the message was clear: we had failed. The boys had even more fun as we flipped through the channels calling out to each other, “We failed!” “We failed, again!” “How about channel 10? Nope! Failed again!”

So yes, I am a failure. I have failed to provide my family with a digital-ready television. Soon, our rabbit ears will be obsolete and our 24” electronic window to the world of broadcast news and entertainment will grow dark. Unless, of course, we convert (but that’s a discussion for another day).

As I was musing on my “failure” as a father, I was actually encouraged that despite my inability to provide some extra “niceties” of modern life, by God’s grace, I have been able to provide not only what the world recognizes as necessities (food, clothing, shelter), but God has also allowed me to provide that which is even more vital to my children—a godly home and Christ-centered schooling.

I was also encouraged to be a part of a Christian school ministry, where other Christian parents and I have partnered together to provide our students with an education that is of the highest caliber—an education where all of God’s truth is taught with excellence for His glory.

And yet, as I continue to watch dozens of Christian schools across the country close their doors for lack of students and for lack of donor support, I have to ask some hard questions of my fellow Christian parents.

How many Christian parents are failing their children on an issue with eternal stakes far greater than digital TV? This Christmas, how many Christian parents will sacrifice to provide their children with new toys, outfits, and electronic gadgets, while failing to provide what their children need most—the one thing God has commanded parents to provide for their children—a knowledge of God, a Biblical worldview?

How many Christian parents who would never, knowingly place their child in physical danger, will more than willingly place their highly impressionable children in spiritual danger every day in a public school system which must, by law, teach moral relativism? How many Christian parents will continue to enroll their intellectually curious children in a public school system which must, by law, artificially remove the truth of God from every academic subject, and which must, by law, remain not neutral (for neutrality when it comes to God is impossible) but anti-God (for acknowledging the creation without acknowledging the Creator is the epitome of idolatry)?

How many Christian parents are giving their children the world to the forfeit of their soul?

A few years ago, my wife and I attended a dinner party at the home of a local couple. The hostess was actually a graduate of the Christian school in which I serve and commented on how impressed she was with the improvements she had seen in the school over the years. She then made the comment I have heard so many times, from so many people. “It’s a shame Christian school tuition is so high. I would love for my kids to go there, but we just can’t afford it.”

I’ll be honest. What I said out loud and what I was really thinking were not the same. What I said was some general, polite comments about scholarships and fundraising and true cost vs. tuition. What I was really thinking was quite different, and perhaps the geniality of the evening was preserved because I didn’t have the boldness to speak it out loud.

As I looked around the very large house, furnished with very nice things, located in a very nice neighborhood, with two very nice cars parked in the very nice, multi-car garage, and some very nice toys filling the very large back yard, I really wanted to say, “Please. Don’t say you can’t afford Christian school. Be honest with yourself. Say you choose not to afford Christian school.”

Too blunt? Maybe. Too insensitive? Probably. And I know, I know, you can’t judge by appearances, etc. etc. But I think there is a core truth to the “I can’t afford Christian school excuse” that many ignore. There are those who value Christian school but genuinely cannot afford it, and there are those who, instead, choose to afford other things they value more.

For example, let’s say an average, middle-class man walks past a Mercedes Benz dealership and says, “Sure, it would be nice to have a Mercedes, but I can’t afford one.” Technically, this is probably not true. He could afford it; he just decides to spend his money elsewhere. For example, he could sell his house and buy the Mercedes. However, most would agree that this would not be a wise decision. It would be a foolish financial move to sell what, for most people, is their largest investment (their home), to buy a car, the value of which depreciates very rapidly.

In the same way, an average, middle-class, Christian family says, “Sure, it would be nice to have our children in Christian school, but we can’t afford it.” As I said earlier, for some, this is indeed true. But technically, for most, this is probably not true. They just decide to spend their money elsewhere. For example, they could move to a smaller home or choose lesser furnishings or drive an older car or vacation in a less expensive place. This brings us to the core question of value. What is the more valuable investment, a home (or furnishings, or car, or vacation, etc.) or the formation and education of one’s children in the best, most biblical way possible?

And the irony is that if even half of those Christian parents who can afford Christian schooling chose to enroll their children, Christian schools would be in such a strong position financially that they would be able to lower tuition for everyone and fully fund scholarship programs for those who truly cannot afford it.

Most parents would sacrifice everything for their children, even their very lives. So why are so many Christian parents not willing to sacrifice financially to provide their children with the best education possible?

I may fail at many things as a father and provider, but may I never disobey God by failing to provide my children with every possible opportunity to be trained up in the way they should go, so when they are old, they will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6).

May I never disobey God by failing to teach my children God’s commands, when I sit at home, when I walk along the road, when I lie down and when I get up (Deuteronomy 6:4-9). And since I cannot be with my children throughout the day, may I never fail to place them under the day-by-day, moment-by-moment teaching and influence of someone who loves God with all of his or her heart and has the freedom to teach my children openly about the Truth.

May I never disobey God by failing to pray for my Christian school, by failing to give to my Christian school, or by failing to lovingly confront my fellow Christian parents in love about their need to do the same.

May I never fail at what matters most.

Monday, June 8, 2009


Christian Education Commentary

Quality. We pay extra for it. In fact, describing a product as having superior quality over another product is quite often all that is needed to close the deal.

And yet, how many of us who call ourselves Christian have ever evaluated the depth and commitment of our Christian walk with the same intensity that we give to the purchase of a new vehicle? Or even a new pair of shoes?

As followers of Christ, there should be a quality to our lives that helps us stand apart from our unsaved friends and neighbors. Not because we are better, but because the presence of God within our lives sets us apart. Choosing a Christian school for your child can give them an edge on discovering what it means to increase the quality of their walk with God. - Where Christian Education is priceless!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Responsible to God

Received via email from Cindy

“Thank you so very much for this helpful website.

Our sons have been in Christian School for the past two years. Prior to that, I home schooled our older son from K-5 through 5th grade. We have been thinking about other options (i e public school) because our children want a change. I told them that their dad and I would pray about it and let them know.

I googled christian education vs. public education. Your web site reminded me of why we have chosen the path we do and that our children can have an opinion and we will consider it but ultimately we are responsible to God for how we train them. I told a mother today I didn't think my children would ever be in a public education system.

This web site helped me to remember why I feel as I do. God has had to sort out my belief system through the years because I did receive a public education and my Christian walk didn't bear much fruit until the last 10 years or so. God is faithful to complete the work he began in us. (Phil. 1:6). Blessings to you all.”

Monday, June 1, 2009

Fresh Air

Today’s Christian Education Commentary

When was the last time you encountered someone whose countenance and manner toward you literally felt like a breath of fresh air?

Do you ever find yourself wondering if you have that effect on others, or wishing that you did?

The truth is, the presence of God in our lives is meant to visible and felt by those around us.

However, this doesn’t just happen. It takes a deliberate choice in the way we live and order our lives and priorities. It takes learning how to seek God with a WHOLE heart, mind, soul, and strength.

If you long for this kind of life for yourself and your children, then maybe, among other things, it is time to consider choosing a Christian education for your family.

We can help you find a Christian school and fulfill the directive we have been assigned as Christian parents.

Visit – where Christian education is priceless!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Parenting With Vision

Today's Christian Education Commentary

When was the last time you wrote down some of your parenting goals?

Raising kids with Christ-centered hearts is the greatest challenge Christian parents will ever face. Not only that, but it is not a challenge that is confronted and won in a day, week, or even a year. Rather, it takes many, many years of diligence, consistency, and prayer on the part of parents, and even then, success is not guaranteed.

This is why writing down your parenting goals or a vision for your family is so important. As the years pass and individual challenges come and go, it is important that we keep our eyes fixed on our ultimate goal.

Choosing a Christian education is a great way to start approaching the job of parenting with new direction, purpose, and a vision that includes God at the center.

To learn more about Christian schooling or to find a Christian school in your area, please visit

Monday, May 18, 2009


Today's Christian Education Commentary

I had breakfast with a very inspirational person today!

Dave would not call attention to himself – he and his wife are not wired that way. But, this couple had 5 children go through Christian school over a period of 26 years. Imagine how much tuition they paid; and how many vacations they could have taken.

What’s more, he and his wife still contribute to the local Christian school. “Why?” I asked. Harold, the times we live in are more difficult than ever. The young people of today must be grounded in the word of God and then be encouraged to live out their faith.

Wow! This man hit the nail on the head – educating for eternity. What a concept!

To learn more about Christian schooling or to find a Christian school in your area, visit

Monday, May 11, 2009


Today's Christian Education Commentary
with Harold Naylor

A common theme in the Old Testament is that of remembering.

Throughout the Old Testament, the Israelites were challenged to remember; to remember God’s faithfulness to them throughout various times in their history, and the ways in which He saw them through difficult and even terrifying times. The consequence of not remembering was often either judgment or misfortune.

This challenge still applies to us today. Remembering how God has been faithful to His people throughout history, and throughout our own lives, is a critical aspect of growing in our walk with God and experiencing His blessing.

If we want to ensure that our children have a solid foundation on which to build their lives, it must start with simply, remembering, who God was, is, and always will be. A Christian school is an excellent way to ensure that your children are being taught to remember God on a daily basis.

We can help you find a Christian school and fulfill the directive we have been assigned as Christian parents. - Where Christian education is priceless!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Obtaining Wisdom

Today's Christian Education Commentary

Proverbs 9:10 says, “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”

I don’t know a single Christian parent today who does not want their child to obtain wisdom.

Usually, we rely on youth pastors, church events, and maybe the influence of a few Christian music artists to help our kids learn about God. But, when we stop to think about it, we know this is not all of the training they require – the challenges are too great.

The Bible is clear that the fear and knowledge of God are the keys to obtaining wisdom in this life. As parents, it is our responsibility to make sure our children are exposed early and often to truths about God, His nature, His love, His holiness, and His plan for our lives. A great way to start your child early on his or her path to wisdom is to get enrolled in your local Christian school.

We can help you find a Christian school and fulfill the directive we have been assigned as Christian parents. - Where Christian education is priceless!

Monday, April 20, 2009


Today's Christian Education Commentary
with Harold Naylor

The Old Testament book of Exodus tells the story of the Israelites being led out from a land of slavery and oppression. How does the exodus relate to your child’s education?

Most Christians know the story of Exodus and how God used Moses to lead the Israelites to freedom. What we tend overlook, however, is what it took for the Israelites to follow him. In spite of their terrible circumstances, it still took tremendous courage, sacrifice, and a great deal of effort for the Israelites to accept change and begin the journey to freedom and a life of hope and promise.

If your child is experiencing some of the signs of oppression and even bondage that come from the daily influences and pressures of a godless education system, then perhaps it is time to make some radical changes, beginning with your children’s school. It may be time for an exodus.

We can help you find a Christian school and fulfill the directive we have been assigned as Christian parents. - Where Christian education is priceless!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Do Not Exasperate

Today's Christian Education Commentary
with Harold Naylor

The book of Ephesians instructs fathers to “not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”

Parenting and teaching is a big responsibility for dads, and moms, of course. Not only must we not frustrate our children, but we are to train them for God’s service.

Training involves shaping the will through discipline.

Instruction is shaping the mind through teaching.

When we partner with the right school, our children get consistent training and instruction that points them to Christ.

However, if we partner with a school that teaches that our child is the center of his or her universe, we not only frustrate the process of Biblical training, but we can cause great frustration in our kids when we try to get them back on track.

Choosing Christian education for your child can make the difference between spiritual life and spiritual death for our children. A Christian school experience can be one part you play to bring up your children in the training and instruction of the Lord.

We can help you find a Christian school and fulfill the directive we have been assigned as Christian parents. - Where Christian education is priceless!

Monday, April 6, 2009


Are you intentional about how you live? More importantly, are you intentional about how you parent?

Let’s face it. Life in the 21st century leaves few of us with the time or energy to deal with the challenges we face today. As a consequence, we often wind up just trying to survive from day to day, rather than live intentionally.

Unfortunately, this affects our parenting, as well. If you have children, being a parent can quickly become more of an addendum to life, rather than one of your life’s central purposes.

Yet the Bible is clear that being intentional about how we live in every way, is absolutely central to living a life that truly pleases and honors God. Choosing a Christian school for your children can be a huge step toward living and parenting intentionally.

Visit to find a Christian school in your area. – Where Christian Education is Priceless!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The ‘Educere’ in Education

Bill Stevens, Headmaster
Wilmington Christian School, Delaware

That's what we do . . . we educe. Now all of us can see the root word here, but not many may know the true meaning. It's Latin, educere, for "to draw out", "to elicit", "to deduce". We truly educate when we are drawing out what is from within. It's a delicate balance of giving information and getting response. Too often, (even our) education is pumping in what we want to be there and then testing to elicit the desired answer. What makes a Christian education so distinctive is that this drawing out centers upon what God has already instilled, created in a young person. As Psalm 139 so vividly proclaims, we have been created with a frame of reference already built-in. If we truly believe that, then why do we settle for an inferior version of learning? Why don't we (homes & churches) put all our resources into seeing that our children receive an education that centers on what's been centered naturally in them?

Let me get anecdotal to this point. The other day was a special day in our elementary school. It was Young Reader's Day. Our guest reader was also an author, and someone from our own community! Mrs. Donna Aviles (daughter Estella is a sophomore) has written several books about her family history gained from conversations. She was sharing with our little ones about how they would collect oral histories of their own families. She asked the kids what they would ask their grandparents if they were writing a history of their lives? After several responses that we'll keep to ourselves for a small fee . . . one 3rd grader uttered, "They could tell us when they asked Jesus into their hearts . . ."

OK, so after we all ran for the Kleenex, the emotionalism turned to realism. This was a natural response coming from a little person who felt comfortable enough to just let it out. I thought to myself, "Now would this deduction be expressed in a secular educational setting? I doubt it. And what would be the response given that would reinforce what was felt in the heart? No, this is not a trivial Sunday School lesson, but rather a facet of the complete life for us to grasp how wide, and long and high and deep is the love of God . . . a love that surpasses knowledge.

When Jesus told his disciples, "Let the little ones come to me", I do not think he was simply saying to let them come sit on his lap, or don't push them down the mount so just the big folks can hear him. No, I think he was speaking to the kingdom of God that exists in a child, and if we mature, sophisticated, intellectual types don't recognize this and respond to it in kind . . . we won't enter it!

Allow me to "educe" from you a thought . . . looking ahead a generation and writing your own family history, what would you elicit from your children as important to include?

Monday, March 30, 2009


When was the last time you took a risk?

Making changes, especially big ones, usually feels risky. The hard part about risk is that success is not guaranteed.

Is it possible that the reason you have been avoiding a Christian school for your child is because it feels like a risk? Maybe you’re afraid that your friends or family will judge you for choosing a private, Christian education. Or, maybe you’re afraid that if you choose a Christian school and your child grows up to make poor life choices, you will look like a failure as a parent.

If fear is the only thing hold you back from doing something bold for Christ and for your children, then maybe it’s time you took the risk.

Take the Risk! Visit to find a Christian school in your area. – Where Christian Education is Priceless!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

God’s Word Changes Us

God says that His word does not return void, that there is power in His word, and that it is the tool that He uses to change and mold a person’s mind and heart. Do you believe that God’s Word is powerful?

According to God’s Word, it is impossible that you would stay the same person if you are consistently in a place where His word is taught and studied. Think about this and then think about the 13 or so years that your child spends in school.

Unfortunately, many parents never give their children a chance at a Christ-centered education because they assume that their children will mature spiritually regardless of the school environment they experience on a daily basis.

Giving our children a Christ-centered education opens a whole new world of possibilities for them as they are taught and nurtured in an environment that strives to honor the God who designed their unique gifts and capabilities. Your children will not return void if exposed to a Christian education.

Visit and find a Christian school in your area. – Where Christian Education is Priceless!

From the Heart of a Mother

Written by: Trisha
Originally posted on A Mother’s Heart blog (March 8, 2009)

My husband and I are both products of the public school system. Granted that was "xx" number of years ago. When our first child was born I wasn’t even thinking about schools at all. I’m not going to share why we now 11 years later, do not have our children in a public school, I will instead share why we have chosen and continue to choose (at great expense and sacrifice) Christian education for our children.

We choose Christian education because:

  • It supports what we teach at home.
  • It provides someone else beside mom and dad teaching biblical truths. With our children entering the age where the listen to others more, the teachers and most peers, who they respect are echoing what we teach.
  • It is a place to prepare our children for the world. An environment where students are equipped with a biblical foundation for long term success.
  • Its another place, outside our home, where our children’s ideas about themselves and God are shaped.
  • It provides another place where they are taught to sustain their faith and impact the world.
  • It is a place where the voices and ideas they hear are true.
  • It is a place where our children can build friendships with other Christ followers. (We have friends have told us several times that they wished that had sent their children to a Christian school simply for this reason alone.)

Now specifically, why Wheaton Christian Grammar School in addition to the above, which is true for WCGS:

  • It is obvious that the teacher and staff love the Lord.
  • The teachers are spiritually mature, walk daily with the Lord, and talk to their students about their time with God.
  • The teachers integrate biblical truths into every area of academics.

We know a teacher who tried to get a job there and told us that we should know that the teachers there are top notch because of the rigors of the interview process to be hired as a teacher.

We walk by faith on the journey to provide a Christian education for our children.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Barna Group - Worldview Survey

A Note from co-founder, Dr. Tim Sierer

Please take a few minutes to click on the link below and read the latest study conducted by the Barna Research Group. The study speaks to the changes in Christian Worldview in our society during the past 13 years. If nothing else it clearly points to how parents (working together with the Christian School) must remain vigilant in the training of our young people.

Click here for a full review of the survey as posted by The Barna Research Group.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in the training of your children.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Guard Your Heart

Today’s Christian Education Commentary

Proverbs 4:23 instructs us to guard our heart, above all else, “for it is the wellspring of life.” How can our children guard their hearts?

What does guarding our hearts actually mean? The verses following Proverbs 4:23 give us some ideas. They include “[putting] away adversity,” “[keeping] corrupt talk far from [our] lips,” and keeping our feet from evil.

When it comes to our children, it is up to us as parents to help them learn how to guard their hearts, starting now. Partnering with a Christian school can be an excellent way to help ensure that your children are being taught how to walk in a manner that will help guard their hearts. And in God’s eyes, our children’s hearts are valued beyond description.

Visit to find a Christian school in your area. – Where Christian education is priceless.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Where's the Focus?

Bill Stevens
Headmaster, Wilmington Christian School (Delaware)

Most of us heard this past week that Dr. James Dobson is stepping down from leading “Focus On the Family”, a ministry that has brought our attention to the issues of Christian morals, family health, and child development for the past 32 years. It is, in several respects, the passing of an era. As our culture stepped onto the slippery slope of moral relativism, Dr. Dobson and his ministry stood as a beacon of truth and bulwark of resistance to that slide.

So, where will the focus now come from? What noted psychologist, author, or preacher will step forward to continue the crusade and teach us? Our preoccupation with the cult of personality begs for a person of note and expertise to emerge and lead us . . ..

As I mentioned in another writing, I believe that the days in which we live will offer unprecedented opportunities for the evangelical Christian community to come alive and together in witness to the gospel of Christ.

I believe that the “big three” ~ home, church, and school need to speak the same language to our culture, to the next generation, and perhaps most importantly, to ourselves. We need to focus. Men and women like James Dobson have been calling us to focus for years. Now we need to commit to doing it.

What is the focus?

I believe it’s where it has always been . . . on Christ and His Kingdom. Jesus said it himself, “Seek (Focus?) first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things (daily needs) will be given to you as well” (Matt 6:33). Our economic situation, and its effects upon our societal situation, will never be solved through monetary stimuli. Nine verses earlier, Jesus places the conflict before us, we can’t serve two masters. I believe that when we focus our attention and resources on the institutions God established for the preservation of his kingdom on earth, and in preparation of its completion when he returns; it will be the home, the church, and the discipling of the next generation that will save our day. I saw it in Romania. The country, after communism, was in economic shambles, like nothing we would ever think of (or can imagine) here. Yet, their recovery was not to be found in the government (“we already had that, thank you”) or the economy.

When I speak of the family, I mean the whole family of God. Our faith is a generational thing and it will take an “all hands on board” attitude and commitment to bailout the next generation. When I speak of the church, I mean the evangelical church that worships both in spirit and in truth, and purposes to disciple in its fullest sense. When I speak of discipling the minds of our youth, I mean that education can not continue to be business as usual, or throwing more money at the problem, but rather . . . well, what true Christian education is all about. Think of the voice and effects we would hear and see if we could unite our efforts around these three . . . it’ll take focus.

I truly believe that as we join together in strengthening our homes around the sanctity of marriage and family, uniting our churches around the call to worship and discipleship, and training our children around the spiritual and academic formation of a biblical worldview, we will experience recovery restoration, and revival. If we fail to see this, we will remain out of focus.

Monday, March 9, 2009


Today's Christian Education Commentary
with Harold Naylor

Do you know what type of character qualities you are trying to instill in your children?

Few of us ever sit down and make a written list of the character qualities we are attempting to teach our children and model for them. If we did, certain aspects of our parenting would certainly change. After all, seeing goals spelled out and defined in black and white can be a powerful took of focus, self-examination, and reprioritizing.

Partnering with a Christian school in your child’s education can be a great way to help you as a parent start to focus on the specific character qualities you want to see develop in your child. It can also help ensure that many of those qualities are being deliberately modeled to your child every day by Christian educators.

We can help you find a Christian school and fulfill the directive we have been assigned as Christian parents. - Where Christian education is priceless!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Morning ‘til Night

Today's Christian Education Commentary
with Harold Naylor

Who is teaching your children from morning until night?

In Deuteronomy 6:7, parents are instructed to teach their children the word of God with diligence. In fact, parents are specifically instructed to teach their children throughout their entire day, from the time they rise in the morning until they go to bed at night.

And yet, most of us find that obedience to God in this area of our lives is near to impossible.

While God certainly understands the reasons that keep us from spending all day, every day with our children, He has not lessened His requirement of instilling His Word in them consistently and constantly from a very young age. We believe that choosing a Christian school for your child can help you fulfill the directives found in God's Word.

We can help you find a Christian school and fulfill the directive we have been assigned as Christian parents. - Where Christian education is priceless!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Is there a Christian approach to teaching science?

Today's Christian Education Commentary
with Harold Naylor

Some Christian parents believe that science is science – that it doesn’t matter whether it comes from a Christian or a naturalism perspective.

Let’s see…

In Naturalism - everything comes from matter, time, and chance. God is not involved – no order, just chance occurrences in a coincidental way that brings order out of chaos.

The proposition that order come from chaos takes more faith than the Christian view of science - it declares that God is the Creator and Sustainer of all things; science involves knowing God through knowing His world.

When we learn science with the beginning that God brought forth, we see both order and purpose while being amazed at the majesty and intricacy of our wonderful created order.

Find a school that is awed by our Lord’s handiwork.

We can help you find a Christian school and fulfill the directive we have been assigned as Christian parents. - Where Christian education is priceless!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Meet All Your Needs

Bill Stevens
Headmaster, Wilmington Christian School (Hockessin, DE)

So says the apostle Paul to the Philippians, "My God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus". This is a pretty definitive statement, isn't it? Paul doesn't say, "Perhaps he will", or "Maybe if you're good", or even "Let's hope for the best". No, there is a surety in his words, both in the fact that God will and that he will by a particular promise of a sure thing . . . his Son.

My own problem is in my mental response, "Bill, do you really believe that?" As I sit here in my office, wondering about the future (hey, next week!), listening to the prognosticators & prophets proclaim, "Woe is us", and then matching this against the words from Scripture, I wonder . . .

Last week I attended a meeting of all the private school heads in Delaware. Obviously, the focus of our meeting was on the economy, education, and how the two would become one in these "strange days"? There was quite a bit of angst in the room over the days ahead and the state of private education in our area. Then one administrator said, "Hey, perhaps this is a time for us to really take a look at what's truly important in what we are doing?" Bingo!

A dear friend of mine from years passed used to always say, "In all conflict there's opportunity." While this is timeless in its wisdom, it is significantly true for this time. What may be more like a 21st century believer's creed, I would like to state what I believe about these "opportunities" in light of the times in which we live . . .

  • I believe that these days are going to be ripe with opportunities for the body of Christ to stand as a light in a world that is searching in the dark, looking to others that are also in the dark, and grasping for answers with no, or at best temporary solutions.
  • I believe that the church, the home, and the ministries to young people are going to unite in a way never before experienced in our lifetimes, as we will be forced to work together in order to maintain our relevance in the world.
  • I believe that Christian education will blossom afresh in these days. As more and more folks echo, "Hey, perhaps this is a time for us to really look at what is important, particularly as it relates to our kids . . . all the kids!
  • I believe that there will be a "uniting of the Spirit, in the bond of peace" that will be unparalleled in recent history, as the body of Christ is challenged to stand together as a testimony to the "oneness" of the hope to which we were called.
  • I believe this time will cause our whole society to re-examine and re-order priorities and life-themes. We who "name the Name" will be called to stand in the gap as that living moral, social and economic compass.
  • I believe that Christians will be called to extraordinary giving . . . not out of our abundance, but to sacrificial giving. While the world pulls back, hoards, and safeguards, we will give. It will be giving out of the call of our faith, out of the need to give, and out of our responsibility to help those people and ministries who need it.
  • I believe that the world around us, as they look for that light at the end of the tunnel will see our light along the way, living and pointing to the One that meets ALL our needs. While the sun and rain rise and fall on both the righteous and unrighteous, our response to them is what sets us apart . . . (read Matt 16:1-4).
  • I believe our young people need to believe in these things as well. Who will we allow to teach them these eternal truths? I believe the cord of three strands will not break, even in difficult times.

When Mrs. Stevens and I were working in the Christian schools in Eastern Europe, the Christian folks in Romania, Hungary, Ukraine, Poland, and Slovakia all expressed it so well. When we would ask them why they were so committed to the Christian education of their children, they would answer, "Bill, we do not want what happened to our generation to happen to the next one!" As I listen to the news, read the paper, and talk to folks, I hear a lot of anxiety about the state of our Union. Then, I hear those words, "What opportunities await us who believe that God will meet all our needs according to his glorious riches!" You better believe it.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Is there a Christian approach to teaching history?

Today's Christian Education Commentary
with Harold Naylor

Some Christian parents believe that history is history – that the worldview or perspective of the author really makes no difference.

Let’s see…

Without God in control, history is either controlled by autonomous man or by an impersonal process or fate or kismet or chance. So, we can see no themes, patterns or purposes for human history; just a lot of people waging war on each other in the quest for power or wealth.

However, if we see human history through the lens of Scripture and believe that God Himself is omnipotent and orchestrating events for a greater good, we now have a larger view to see God’s purposes in history.

Find a school that teaches that human history is a part of God’s redemptive plan for the world.

We can help you find a Christian school and fulfill the directive we have been assigned as Christian parents. - Where Christian education is priceless!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Does God Have a Claim On Your Child?

Dr. Phil Suiter
Orginally posted by Richmond Academy (Richmond, IN)

The recognition of God’s claim on your child should help you to decide that Christian education is worth the cost and time.

The typical school year begins with much enthusiasm. That is especially true for families who have their children in private Christian education. There is great anticipation and expectation for what will be accomplished. But as the fall months pass into winter months, the obligation of paying a monthly tuition bill sometimes begins to weigh heavily upon the minds of parents. Should I continue to make this sacrifice? Is it really worth it? Am I depriving my family of other benefits?

Can we as Christian parents answer these questions using only financial criteria to guide us? I think not! It is vital to examine the questions from the viewpoint of God’s claim upon our children. Does God have such a claim? Is He concerned about the nature of the educational experience that we provide for our children?

The answer is “yes!” Romans 14:7-8 states, “For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself. For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord’s.” If that passage is not enough, the prophet Ezekiel reports the word of the Lord in chapter 18, verse 4, “Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die.” This latter passage is addressing individual responsibility before God. The message of the Bible is clear on this very issue: God created children; therefore, He has first claim upon each child’s life. That claim extends to the nature of the educational program provided by their parents. When viewed in terms of the Word of God, one must wonder if any sacrifice is too great to keep children in a Christian school setting.

Some find the concept of “first claim” or “ownership” to be somewhat offensive. Yet the Scriptures previously cited clearly make the point of God’s ownership of children and, therefore, He has first claim upon them. The world certainly does not hesitate to make its claim. Typically, the world’s claim is stated as one of three positions. First, many public educators and legislators say that the state owns the child and that each child is a ward of the state, particularly for educational purposes. That testimony is frequently given before legislative committees. Second, others say that no one owns the child. In this case the child is granted the right to make his own decisions without the intervention of adults.

Unfortunately, many Christian parents fall into the trap of thinking their children belong to them. This is a false assumption.

Third, still others say that the parent owns the child. In this case, it is assumed that the parent has all authority in decision making relative to his child. None of these three views agrees with the teaching of the Bible.

Children belong to God; God has first claim upon their lives. Revelation 4:11 states, “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.” Children are created by God to do with as He pleases. His pleasure is for them to give Him first place in everything they do.

Then what is the responsibility of parents? Simply this: to rear and educate children in such a way that they are prepared to respond to the call of God in whatever God chooses for them to do in life. Obviously, this does not mean that all children will be called into some area of Christian service. It does mean, however, that each child will be ready to serve and obey God in whatever area of life he embraces, whether he becomes a teacher, brick mason, bus driver, salesman, doctor, secretary, preacher, missionary, or sanitation worker.

Education must be Christ-centered if it is to please God. It must be viewed as a primary means of preparing children for a life of service to God. Only a Christ- centered education will accomplish this end. Thus, all parents will answer to God for the nature of the educational experience that they give their children.

Is there an alternative for Christian parents? Can a public school’s educational program that is based on secular humanism accomplish that? The answer is “no!” Humanism teaches that there is no higher authority than the individual. That is the basis for all of the “rights oriented” and “politically correct” thinking that controls public policy. An educational system derived from those concepts of secular humanism simply cannot prepare a child to permit God to exercise His claim upon his life. That system can only reproduce after its kind, and its kind seeks only to serve self.

Does God have first claim on your child? The answer is “yes!” The recognition of God’s claim on your child should help you to conclude that your investment in a Christian educational program is worth it if for no other reason than it pleases God.

Dr. Phil Suiter is the former executive director of the West Virginia Christian Education Association.

Monday, February 9, 2009

The Purpose of Education

Today's Christian Education Commentary
with Harold Naylor

Does Education Have a Purpose – what is the difference between public and Christian schools?

The public school has planned education as a benefit to the state or for the general welfare of society. If this societal welfare is purpose of education, then the state may collect taxes and mandate that all children attend. It is the state, not the parent, who controls all of the content as well.

In Romans 8, God instructs us to “be conformed to the image of His Son.” Christian education is primarily to benefit God, as well as the student. Jesus declared in Matthew, “He who is not with me is against me.”

To become more like Christ is the goal of Christian education.

Maybe it’s a good idea to start at the top – with the purpose. You can get some help in thinking through this by simply logging onto

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Parents Make Christian Education a Top Priority

Somehow they manage the costs
Wednesday July 23, 2008 -- Michelle Strutzenberger
Originally posted on the blog of the Ontairo (Canada) Alliance of Christian Schools

The Hendriks family in Fenelon Falls has made Christian education a top priority and one way or another, they are finding a way to manage the tuition costs.

“The thing that’s worked for us is to say, ‘We’re going to do it’ and then trust that we will be able to,” says Eleanor Hendriks, a parent of three who attend Heritage Christian School in Lindsay. “It’s worked out so far.”

Both Eleanor and her husband Steve come from a Christian education background, which has been a key factor in their decision to send their children to a Christian school.

Eleanor adds that they are also motivated by the attitudes and actions of their young children who are already reflecting the effects of a Christian education.

“The blessings that come from seeing our kids singing songs of faith and praying in school and having Christian friends and talking about faith and Jesus with their friends and with their teachers is very precious and it’s never been hard to choose Christian education first.”

The Hendriks family routinely makes choices to ensure they’re able to continue with Christian schooling; they drive older vehicles, never eat out, carefully budget for groceries, avoid elaborate entertainment and live with more debt than they’d like.

“Every time we make a (tuition) payment we think, ‘OK, we’ll trust for the next one. See if we can hang on for another month,’” says Eleanor, admitting it does get stressful at times.

Still, she doesn’t consider what they’re doing sacrificial, in the sense that they’re giving up a lifestyle they’d really enjoy for Christian education. Christian education is what they want, she says, and choices must just be made to make room for that decision.

At the same time, the Hendriks hope for a slight reprieve from the ongoing financial pressure. Steve, a social worker, is considering a move to a job that would ease the financial squeeze, even if it isn’t exactly his line of work. Eleanor is trusting her pottery business will expand to help cover costs as well.

The Hendriks family is not unlike many other families across the province who value Christian education so deeply that they will do what it takes to provide it to their children. They make the decision first for Christian schooling and then somehow find a way to make it happen.Anita Doppenberg, whose five children have attended Community Christian School in Drayton, also admits tuition has been a struggle, especially as they have strongly felt that she should remain at home.

But they’ve been able to manage on one income, partly through her husband working long hours, partly, she says, because “God’s providence has been very good to us.”

Michele Kapteyn also says God’s blessing in their lives have enabled her three children to attend Timothy Christian School in Barrie and now Unity Christian High School.

Her husband is a dairy farm owner and operator but despite the financial ups and downs that tend to come with owning a business the family has always managed to cover tuition.

“As much as we thought, ‘How are we going to do this?’ the money was always there and that was a real blessing,” says Kapteyn.

In recent years, she has taken on work outside the home to help handle the costs of two tuitions with the two oldest children in high school.

Kapteyn suggests that families consider out-of-the-box solutions to managing costs, from applying for Children First Grants to making use of the voucher incentive programs that some schools offer.

Her view is that the benefits of Christian schooling “far outweigh the costs.”

Thursday, January 29, 2009

In Her Own Words - A Parent's Perspective

Lisa Barry
Radio Host - 98.5 KTIS
Minneapolis/St. Paul

Our family has experienced all forms of education from home school to public to charter schools and private. At our oldest daughters request, we sent her to a public high school. Though she started out fine, by the second year I noticed she was picking up more of the negative influences in the environment. She was nearing a fork in the road and one path was leading toward a destructive lifestyle and though she wasn’t totally on that path yet, she was definitely leaning that way. If I didn’t do something soon, I knew it would be harder to get her to back up and make the choice later.

I talked to a spiritual leader about this and explained to him my dilemma because I had promised my daughter that she could go do public school and that I’d be going back on my word. He told me, “well, we don’t let our children make those important decisions, do we? You’ll need to apologize to her and explain that you made a mistake in promising something that might be wrong for her. "

I realized that as a parent, I needed to put my daughter in an environment where she could make right decisions so I pulled her in March of her sophomore year (crazy timing, I know). And though it was horrible for a while, the following fall, major change began.

She was used to giving status quo work in a multiple-choice world. She didn’t expect much of herself and didn’t think she was capable of more than her minimal work. The teachers at Calvin Christian High School didn’t accept her lack-luster attempts at school work. It’s not to say they expected more of her than she was capable, but they could see that she had more to give, more to offer, more than even she knew. They continued to push, she continued to give a little more and a little more. Even she was surprised at what the teachers were able to pull out of her. Her self confidence grew, her love for learning grew and her desire to grow spiritually grew in leaps and bounds.

These teachers were able to accomplish what I was powerless to do. How can you put a price tag on that? I am so indebted to these individuals and this school, and that is no exaggeration!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Scholarship Opportunity

The Master's College Essay Contest Deadline Extended to February 18th
January 26, 2009

David Wheaton, author, pro tennis champion, editor of, and national host of The Christian Worldview radio program, announces an extended deadline for The Master’s College Essay Contest. High school and college students can now turn in their essays up until Wednesday, February 18, 2009, for the opportunity to receive a $5,000 GRAND PRIZE tuition scholarship to The Master’s College in Santa Clarita, CA, one of the leading Christian Colleges in the world which is led by president, John MacArthur.

ADDITIONAL PRIZES: The winner will also receive complimentary airfare, lodging, and meals for College View Weekend at The Master’s College from March 26-28, 2009. All students who submit an essay will be sent a complimentary copy of “Think Biblically: Recovering a Christian Worldview,” written by John MacArthur, who is a nationally renowned pastor, author and hosts the “Grace To You” radio program.

ESSAY TOPIC: Submitted essays should describe a time of trial or suffering that the student has seen or experienced, and the way in which God accomplished His purposes through this trial. Essays should be between 1000 and 1500 words in length, and must be the student’s original work. The winner of the contest will be announced approximately one week after the deadline, and the winning essay will be posted on

ELIGIBILITY: Entry to the contest is for students who could attend The Master’s College in either the 2009 or 2010 school years.

For more information on the Master’s College Essay Contest, visit

Hothouse - The Best Growing Environment

Today's Christian Education Commentary
with Harold Naylor

How is a Christian school like a hot house for plants?

Educating children is like growing young plants. They both need basic nutrition, rich soil free of contaminants, clear air and sunshine. Like young plants, children are not yet ready to put into an environment that is hostile or unhealthy – they need protection at young ages.

The family, church and the school are the child’s best growing environment, just like the hot house is to young plants.

When the roots are deep enough, the trunk strong enough, and the foliage is plentiful, the plant can go into a new world and thrive. So, too, is the child who is grounded in God’s Word and teaching.

The Psalmist describes the blessed man: “He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.”

You can find your child’s educational hot house by simply logging onto - Where Christian education is priceless!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The 10 Most Popular Myths Christian Parents Believe

PERSPECTIVE: A Christian Worldview on Education and Family
Mike Lee, Superintendent (Cherokee Christian Schools)
©2008 by Cherokee Christian Schools (used with permission)

Please click here for a full text of the article as originally published by Cherokee Christian Schools.

Answers to the question: Why do Christian Parents Choose to educate their Children in a School that Excludes Christ?


“No one will read this!” This has been the feedback we have received from some who proofed this writing. They contend that most people are no longer willing to read anything more than a “sound bite.” They tell us that the average person just wants the bottom line or the Cliffs Notes version. “Just email me, or better yet, text me- it’s quicker.”Our “bottom line” to you: please give this writing ten minutes of your time. Using the power and truth of biblical principles, it contains information that may change your life and the life of your children forever.

A Difficult Message to Write

We have taken six months to write this booklet. It has been critiqued by parents, grandparents, and teachers both in the Christian and public school sectors. Some have said the message is terrific. Others have said it is preachy or self-righteous. Still others said it was harsh. We listened to the criticisms and made changes that we hoped would remove any tone that would offend while not changing the truths herein. We understand that what we have written will not win the praise of the world. However, we are not seeking that praise. This booklet is designed to bring truth to minds of Christian parents who choose to have their children educated in a public school or a private non-Christian school. It is not directed to homeschool parents or non-Christian parents. We could ignore what is going on in our culture and say nothing, but that would not be biblical. Christians are called to be truth tellers, even when what we say may be unpopular. Please know our heart on this: we have written this booklet because we love the Lord, love the brethren, and love children. Psalm 40:9-11 says, “I have proclaimed glad tidings of righteousness in the great congregation; Behold, I will not restrain my lips, O LORD, You know. I have not hidden Your righteousness within my heart; I have spoken of Your faithfulness and Your salvation; I have not concealed Your loving-kindness and Your truth from the great congregation.” Our hope is that God will bless the sharing of His truth through this booklet.

Special note to Christian public school teachers and administrators: this booklet cites some of the unbiblical weaknesses of the public school in America. Please do not read this as a personal attack. We appreciate that you do not agree with the philosophy of the public schools and want to encourage you to be a warrior for Christ in that setting. Although we do not believe that Christ intended for children to be missionaries in the public school, He does intend Christian adults to speak His truth boldly wherever they are. We urge you to trust the Lord as you follow your calling.


You have probably heard the term “like a frog in the kettle.” It refers to a situation where the frog sits in room temperature water in the kettle and neither knows nor feels the subtle changes that are happening in the water. Degree after degree, the water increases in heat and eventually the frog is boiled to death. So it is with many Christian families in America. With the decline of Christianity in our culture and many in the American church behaving more like the world, many Christian families are being boiled to death. Instead of realizing that there is a continual increase in the cultural temperature, Christian parents are being fooled again and again, believing misinformation that is killing the spiritual life of their children. What about you? Are you being fooled? Have you bought into the secular perspectives that we are constantly bombarded with each day? Have you taken the time and energy to question the so called “facts” that we are fed from all angles?

Please read and consider the ten myths that Christian parents frequently believe. You still have time to jump out of the kettle!

The 10 Most Popular Myths Christian Parents Believe*

Myth 1: I am saving money by not paying Christian school tuition.

Myth 2: We can’t afford Christian school tuition.

Myth 3: The public school and the Christian parent have the same goal in mind for the child’s education so my child is not being damaged spiritually by going to a non-Christian school.

Myth 4: Exposing my child to ungodly thinking and actions will prepare my child for the “real world.”

Myth 5: Children should be missionaries in the public school.

Myth 6: My child will be best served by figuring out life while attending a non-Christian school.

Myth 7: The prom, dating, and sports are vital experiences for my child and can best be experienced in a public school.

Myth 8: My child is receiving a good education in the public schools.

Myth 9: The learning environment in the public school is good.

Myth 10: The ultimate in myth telling to Christian parents in America may not be because the myth is being created for belief by the public school administrators, public school teachers unions, or politicians. It may be that parents are creating a myth that they want to believe for themselves.

*For a complete “discussion” of each myth, please click here for the full text of the booklet.