Thursday, March 26, 2009

From the Heart of a Mother

Written by: Trisha
Originally posted on A Mother’s Heart blog (March 8, 2009)

My husband and I are both products of the public school system. Granted that was "xx" number of years ago. When our first child was born I wasn’t even thinking about schools at all. I’m not going to share why we now 11 years later, do not have our children in a public school, I will instead share why we have chosen and continue to choose (at great expense and sacrifice) Christian education for our children.

We choose Christian education because:

  • It supports what we teach at home.
  • It provides someone else beside mom and dad teaching biblical truths. With our children entering the age where the listen to others more, the teachers and most peers, who they respect are echoing what we teach.
  • It is a place to prepare our children for the world. An environment where students are equipped with a biblical foundation for long term success.
  • Its another place, outside our home, where our children’s ideas about themselves and God are shaped.
  • It provides another place where they are taught to sustain their faith and impact the world.
  • It is a place where the voices and ideas they hear are true.
  • It is a place where our children can build friendships with other Christ followers. (We have friends have told us several times that they wished that had sent their children to a Christian school simply for this reason alone.)

Now specifically, why Wheaton Christian Grammar School in addition to the above, which is true for WCGS:

  • It is obvious that the teacher and staff love the Lord.
  • The teachers are spiritually mature, walk daily with the Lord, and talk to their students about their time with God.
  • The teachers integrate biblical truths into every area of academics.

We know a teacher who tried to get a job there and told us that we should know that the teachers there are top notch because of the rigors of the interview process to be hired as a teacher.

We walk by faith on the journey to provide a Christian education for our children.

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