Monday, March 30, 2009


When was the last time you took a risk?

Making changes, especially big ones, usually feels risky. The hard part about risk is that success is not guaranteed.

Is it possible that the reason you have been avoiding a Christian school for your child is because it feels like a risk? Maybe you’re afraid that your friends or family will judge you for choosing a private, Christian education. Or, maybe you’re afraid that if you choose a Christian school and your child grows up to make poor life choices, you will look like a failure as a parent.

If fear is the only thing hold you back from doing something bold for Christ and for your children, then maybe it’s time you took the risk.

Take the Risk! Visit to find a Christian school in your area. – Where Christian Education is Priceless!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

God’s Word Changes Us

God says that His word does not return void, that there is power in His word, and that it is the tool that He uses to change and mold a person’s mind and heart. Do you believe that God’s Word is powerful?

According to God’s Word, it is impossible that you would stay the same person if you are consistently in a place where His word is taught and studied. Think about this and then think about the 13 or so years that your child spends in school.

Unfortunately, many parents never give their children a chance at a Christ-centered education because they assume that their children will mature spiritually regardless of the school environment they experience on a daily basis.

Giving our children a Christ-centered education opens a whole new world of possibilities for them as they are taught and nurtured in an environment that strives to honor the God who designed their unique gifts and capabilities. Your children will not return void if exposed to a Christian education.

Visit and find a Christian school in your area. – Where Christian Education is Priceless!

From the Heart of a Mother

Written by: Trisha
Originally posted on A Mother’s Heart blog (March 8, 2009)

My husband and I are both products of the public school system. Granted that was "xx" number of years ago. When our first child was born I wasn’t even thinking about schools at all. I’m not going to share why we now 11 years later, do not have our children in a public school, I will instead share why we have chosen and continue to choose (at great expense and sacrifice) Christian education for our children.

We choose Christian education because:

  • It supports what we teach at home.
  • It provides someone else beside mom and dad teaching biblical truths. With our children entering the age where the listen to others more, the teachers and most peers, who they respect are echoing what we teach.
  • It is a place to prepare our children for the world. An environment where students are equipped with a biblical foundation for long term success.
  • Its another place, outside our home, where our children’s ideas about themselves and God are shaped.
  • It provides another place where they are taught to sustain their faith and impact the world.
  • It is a place where the voices and ideas they hear are true.
  • It is a place where our children can build friendships with other Christ followers. (We have friends have told us several times that they wished that had sent their children to a Christian school simply for this reason alone.)

Now specifically, why Wheaton Christian Grammar School in addition to the above, which is true for WCGS:

  • It is obvious that the teacher and staff love the Lord.
  • The teachers are spiritually mature, walk daily with the Lord, and talk to their students about their time with God.
  • The teachers integrate biblical truths into every area of academics.

We know a teacher who tried to get a job there and told us that we should know that the teachers there are top notch because of the rigors of the interview process to be hired as a teacher.

We walk by faith on the journey to provide a Christian education for our children.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Barna Group - Worldview Survey

A Note from co-founder, Dr. Tim Sierer

Please take a few minutes to click on the link below and read the latest study conducted by the Barna Research Group. The study speaks to the changes in Christian Worldview in our society during the past 13 years. If nothing else it clearly points to how parents (working together with the Christian School) must remain vigilant in the training of our young people.

Click here for a full review of the survey as posted by The Barna Research Group.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in the training of your children.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Guard Your Heart

Today’s Christian Education Commentary

Proverbs 4:23 instructs us to guard our heart, above all else, “for it is the wellspring of life.” How can our children guard their hearts?

What does guarding our hearts actually mean? The verses following Proverbs 4:23 give us some ideas. They include “[putting] away adversity,” “[keeping] corrupt talk far from [our] lips,” and keeping our feet from evil.

When it comes to our children, it is up to us as parents to help them learn how to guard their hearts, starting now. Partnering with a Christian school can be an excellent way to help ensure that your children are being taught how to walk in a manner that will help guard their hearts. And in God’s eyes, our children’s hearts are valued beyond description.

Visit to find a Christian school in your area. – Where Christian education is priceless.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Where's the Focus?

Bill Stevens
Headmaster, Wilmington Christian School (Delaware)

Most of us heard this past week that Dr. James Dobson is stepping down from leading “Focus On the Family”, a ministry that has brought our attention to the issues of Christian morals, family health, and child development for the past 32 years. It is, in several respects, the passing of an era. As our culture stepped onto the slippery slope of moral relativism, Dr. Dobson and his ministry stood as a beacon of truth and bulwark of resistance to that slide.

So, where will the focus now come from? What noted psychologist, author, or preacher will step forward to continue the crusade and teach us? Our preoccupation with the cult of personality begs for a person of note and expertise to emerge and lead us . . ..

As I mentioned in another writing, I believe that the days in which we live will offer unprecedented opportunities for the evangelical Christian community to come alive and together in witness to the gospel of Christ.

I believe that the “big three” ~ home, church, and school need to speak the same language to our culture, to the next generation, and perhaps most importantly, to ourselves. We need to focus. Men and women like James Dobson have been calling us to focus for years. Now we need to commit to doing it.

What is the focus?

I believe it’s where it has always been . . . on Christ and His Kingdom. Jesus said it himself, “Seek (Focus?) first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things (daily needs) will be given to you as well” (Matt 6:33). Our economic situation, and its effects upon our societal situation, will never be solved through monetary stimuli. Nine verses earlier, Jesus places the conflict before us, we can’t serve two masters. I believe that when we focus our attention and resources on the institutions God established for the preservation of his kingdom on earth, and in preparation of its completion when he returns; it will be the home, the church, and the discipling of the next generation that will save our day. I saw it in Romania. The country, after communism, was in economic shambles, like nothing we would ever think of (or can imagine) here. Yet, their recovery was not to be found in the government (“we already had that, thank you”) or the economy.

When I speak of the family, I mean the whole family of God. Our faith is a generational thing and it will take an “all hands on board” attitude and commitment to bailout the next generation. When I speak of the church, I mean the evangelical church that worships both in spirit and in truth, and purposes to disciple in its fullest sense. When I speak of discipling the minds of our youth, I mean that education can not continue to be business as usual, or throwing more money at the problem, but rather . . . well, what true Christian education is all about. Think of the voice and effects we would hear and see if we could unite our efforts around these three . . . it’ll take focus.

I truly believe that as we join together in strengthening our homes around the sanctity of marriage and family, uniting our churches around the call to worship and discipleship, and training our children around the spiritual and academic formation of a biblical worldview, we will experience recovery restoration, and revival. If we fail to see this, we will remain out of focus.

Monday, March 9, 2009


Today's Christian Education Commentary
with Harold Naylor

Do you know what type of character qualities you are trying to instill in your children?

Few of us ever sit down and make a written list of the character qualities we are attempting to teach our children and model for them. If we did, certain aspects of our parenting would certainly change. After all, seeing goals spelled out and defined in black and white can be a powerful took of focus, self-examination, and reprioritizing.

Partnering with a Christian school in your child’s education can be a great way to help you as a parent start to focus on the specific character qualities you want to see develop in your child. It can also help ensure that many of those qualities are being deliberately modeled to your child every day by Christian educators.

We can help you find a Christian school and fulfill the directive we have been assigned as Christian parents. - Where Christian education is priceless!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Morning ‘til Night

Today's Christian Education Commentary
with Harold Naylor

Who is teaching your children from morning until night?

In Deuteronomy 6:7, parents are instructed to teach their children the word of God with diligence. In fact, parents are specifically instructed to teach their children throughout their entire day, from the time they rise in the morning until they go to bed at night.

And yet, most of us find that obedience to God in this area of our lives is near to impossible.

While God certainly understands the reasons that keep us from spending all day, every day with our children, He has not lessened His requirement of instilling His Word in them consistently and constantly from a very young age. We believe that choosing a Christian school for your child can help you fulfill the directives found in God's Word.

We can help you find a Christian school and fulfill the directive we have been assigned as Christian parents. - Where Christian education is priceless!